Thursday 13 April 2017

Technology in Media

Above is an image of all of the different technologies used in media, under the different categories of: exchange, distribution, production and exhibition. We did this mind map in class in our groups.

Technology in Media Essay

Technology plays a large role in the production, marketing and consumption of products as media and film making would not be able to survive without it. For example, in film production, technologies such as: 3D printing, red digital cameras, synchronised sound, green/blue screen and digital cameras are used and without technology, processes such as post production editing would not be possible. Marketing a film would also not be achievable without technology such as tablets and smart phones where the target audience are able to see advertisements for the film through social media and the online world. Technology also plays a big role in the consumption of product because they supply things like: cinema, DVD, apps (such as Netflix and Amazon Prime) which makes the film accessible to the target audience.

There are many different types of technology used in media in the modern day which are used in film production, distribution, marketing and consumption. Without technology it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for film making to exist as plays a large role in its success.

The process of film production relies heavily on technology as new inventions such as: red epic digital cameras (which were used in all three of The Hobbit films), 3D printing, CGI and synchronised sound, help make films that include animation look cohesive with real life actors or scenes. Without the heavy influence of technology, things like post production editing would be impossible. This shows how the significant role which technology plays in production is extremely important because if it didn’t exist, or it was not as well developed as it is today, then the quality of film making would stagnate and then die out altogether as no progression in the industry would take place.

Technology also plays a large part in the marketing of films to engage their target audience and make the film look exciting and find inventive and unique ways to advertise it. The development of social media has played a large role in marketing as it allows people to watch the videos or find campaigns about the film and occasionally the video may go viral, reaching a wide audience and making the film known across the platform. A range of different technologies were used in the 'Carrie' campaign which was staged in a cafe with a young girl acting as if she had supernatural powers. This is because lots of preparation went into this marketing campaign due to wanting to make it look as realistic as possible.

The consumption of products is also massively down to technology as the audience would not be able to watch the film without it. Exchange is the platform which the audience is viewing the film and it plays a large role in audience consumption as it includes: the cinema screenings, television, DVDs and online screenings where the audience can watch the film through subscriptions with websites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video. The evolution of technology has made viewing films and television shows a lot more accessible as people do not need to go to the cinema to watch a film as they can just search for one online. Exhibition however, is the digital process of how the film is physically shown to its audience and without technology, things like: cinema screens, DVD, Blu-ray, HD, 3D, 4D, 5D and digital film projectors would not be available. These have had a huge influence on film consumption as the quality of the film is altered specifically to suit the appropriate film.

In  conclusion, the role of technology plays a huge part in the production, marketing and consumption of film because without it, the film industry may cease to exist. There are many positives that come with the huge influence of technology, such as the availability of film so it is accessible to almost everyone and also the physical quality of films has improved due to the development of cameras and other filming equipment. But along with the positives, also come negatives. This is because we may be too reliant on technology in the film industry and overthink the film by including too many special effects which many people do not like. Some may argue that we are becoming out of touch with classics by making our films too extravagant. But overall, technology has massively influenced the film industry, both positively and negatively.

Tuesday 4 April 2017


What is film distribution?
Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. These films are distributed by companies such as: Walt Disney Studios, 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures etc.

What is the distributor's role?
The role of a distributor is to make the film widely available to their target audience as well as promote the film they are distributing.

What is a distribution plan?
A distribution strategy is a plan created by the manufacturing department of the company which outlines how they are aiming to make their film available to the consumers.

What is a P + A budget?
A budget is the sum of money allocated for a particular purpose and the summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them

What is the average distribution cost for a big six film?
On average a big 6 film would cost between 100-200 million dollars/pounds to distribute.

What does the distribution budget include?
A budget is typically divided into four sections: above the line (creative talent), below the line (direct production costs), post-production (editing, visual effects, etc.), and other (insurance, completion bond, etc.) Film financing can be acquired from a private investor, sponsor, product placement, film studio, entertainment company, and/or out-of-pocket funds.

What is a simultaneous release?
Simultaneous release is the name given to an experimental new method of making movies available to consumers. Traditionally, movies are released first in cinemas. A DVD release follows some months later. 

What are some main distribution companies?
20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Studios, Paramount and Warner Bros. Studios.

What do you think the link is between audience and distribution?
I think that the distributor links with the target audience who want to watch a specific type of film, for example, Walt Disney Pictures is associated with children as the majority of the films that they distribute are cartoons or animations.

Define target market audience. What is audience positioning?
A target market audience is the ideal audience that the marketing company have chosen to aim their film towards. Audience positioning is the interpretation of mass media texts by social groups.

Why is a release date crucial?
A release date is crucial because the companies want to release the film at a time where they are most likely to get the most amount of views within the opening weekend. Release dates differ depending on who their target audience is, for example, if a distributor wanted to release a children's film then a good time to do it would be in the summer holidays when the kids have a lot of free time.

What is self distribution?
Self distribution is when the film maker distributes the film themselves without using a distribution company.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

'Cutting It' Essay - Representations of Gender

Analyse the representation of gender in this clip
When analysing this clip from the TV drama, ‘Cutting It” it becomes apparent that there are many ways in which the representation of gender is shown. It is represented through the camera work, sound, editing and mise en scene.
When assessing the camera work and how it represents both genders in the first shot, I noticed that they have both been filmed together and are central. By doing this, it shows to the audience that the man and woman are equals and are together as a unit. However, this changes when they start having a conversation about the possibility of one of them passing away as they are both being filmed separately through close up shots. By doing this, it represents how they are possible becoming more distant as they are disagreeing on the topic and even though it is a subtle way to show their contrasting opinions and differences, it still has an effect on the audience.
An equality in gender is also shown when the woman and man working at the clinic are filmed from a birds’ eye angle. In this shot, the screen is split into two by the table and on either side, the man and woman are sitting. The shot is divided almost in half, showing that both the man and women are seen as equals, which has a positive effect on the audience.
The theme of equality between the genders is also supported when the last shot showed the couple lying together in the centre of the screen holding each other. This is similar to the shot used at the start of the sequence when they are both filmed together, holding hands. By doing this, it could show to the audience that they will finish the way they started, by being together and could also symbolise the equal opportunities that men and women should have.
However, in contrast to this, when a tracking shot is used when the woman is walking away from her partner and the camera at the same time, without zooming in on her. By doing this, it represents to the audience that the woman is becoming more and more insignificant as she is appearing smaller on the screen. This is quickly contrasted with a close up shot of the man, whose face fills up the whole screen. By doing this, it represents to the audience that the man in the relationship is seen to have more significance than the woman.
When analysing the mise en scene in this clip, it seems as though the woman is put in a more positive light. The representation of gender is displayed when the couple are standing on the pavement and the light is shining on her face, but not his. By doing this it may seem to the audience that she is more innocent and bright than the man who is facing away from the light. By having a shadow on the man’s face, it may make the audience view him in a more negative light without realising.
A positive refection of women is also displayed when the camera is cross-cutting between the woman inside and the man outside. This is because the woman is wearing warm colours such as nude and pink as well as having a warm, pink/ yellow- coloured light, shining on her which contrasts with the man who is being shown in a dark grey blazer with an almost blue tinted light on him. By doing this, the audience may take a liking to the woman more than the man.
Also, after the woman had been hit by the bus and was lying on the ground, she was next to white flowers. This is significant because white flowers have connotations of innocence and purity which would be connected to her in this scene as she has been knocked down, just like the flowers. After she has been hit, the audience also sympathise with her which subconsciously makes them feel sorry for her. In contrast to this, the woman is made to be the weaker gender in this clip as she is injured while the man is perfectly fine and has a result, puts women in general, in a negative light.
Editing is also used to represent the roles of both genders, especially in the end when there is a fade to black. By using this effect, it symbolises the end in both of their lives, even though the man is still physically there, he does not want to live without his partner, as equals. It also shows that they are ending together equally which shows to the audience that they are there for each other no matter what.
Also, when looking at the editing aspects of this clip, the woman has the most screen time. By doing this it could show the audience that she has the most power, which actually contrasts with the often stereotypical opinion that men have more power. To the audience, this may be seen as empowering up until she is hit by the bus and all the power that she once possessed is taken away.
When assessing the way gender is represented, sound is also something that plays in an important role in the way that the characters are portrayed. An example of this is in the last shot, when the woman is trying to talk, but her partner tells her to “Shhh”, which stops her mid-sentence. By doing this, it shows the audience that he has more power over her as he is able to control what she says now she is weak and injured. Even though this is a subtle way of representing men having power over women, it is still effective.
This contrasts with the start of the sequence when they get out of the taxi cab and the male is the one who is asking all of the questions and is confused as to why they have stopped in the middle of the street. Here, the woman has all of the power as she is the only one in the scene that knows why they are there, leaving the man confused and needing to ask questions. This shows the audience that she has more power in their relationship in that moment in time.
Towards the end of the sequence, when the woman comes out of the clinic and is crossing the road, she has to shout to be heard by her male partner. This could be a metaphor for the voices of women and how they often struggle to be heard and usually have to make a larger effort to be judged equally against men. Soon after she shouts across the road, she is hit by the bus and is knocked on the floor, her voice overpowered by the sound of the bus. This shows how she now does not have any power now and the audience would sympathise with her.
Even though the power is taken away from the woman, since her and her partner are in love, it is almost like he doesn’t have control either. This becomes apparent when the audience hears the noise that is meant to be his heartbeat. By using the sound of the heartbeat for effect, it shows how the man is panicking because his fiancĂ© is injured and would not know what he would do without her, showing that all of his power lies with her.