Thursday 13 April 2017

Technology in Media Essay

Technology plays a large role in the production, marketing and consumption of products as media and film making would not be able to survive without it. For example, in film production, technologies such as: 3D printing, red digital cameras, synchronised sound, green/blue screen and digital cameras are used and without technology, processes such as post production editing would not be possible. Marketing a film would also not be achievable without technology such as tablets and smart phones where the target audience are able to see advertisements for the film through social media and the online world. Technology also plays a big role in the consumption of product because they supply things like: cinema, DVD, apps (such as Netflix and Amazon Prime) which makes the film accessible to the target audience.

There are many different types of technology used in media in the modern day which are used in film production, distribution, marketing and consumption. Without technology it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for film making to exist as plays a large role in its success.

The process of film production relies heavily on technology as new inventions such as: red epic digital cameras (which were used in all three of The Hobbit films), 3D printing, CGI and synchronised sound, help make films that include animation look cohesive with real life actors or scenes. Without the heavy influence of technology, things like post production editing would be impossible. This shows how the significant role which technology plays in production is extremely important because if it didn’t exist, or it was not as well developed as it is today, then the quality of film making would stagnate and then die out altogether as no progression in the industry would take place.

Technology also plays a large part in the marketing of films to engage their target audience and make the film look exciting and find inventive and unique ways to advertise it. The development of social media has played a large role in marketing as it allows people to watch the videos or find campaigns about the film and occasionally the video may go viral, reaching a wide audience and making the film known across the platform. A range of different technologies were used in the 'Carrie' campaign which was staged in a cafe with a young girl acting as if she had supernatural powers. This is because lots of preparation went into this marketing campaign due to wanting to make it look as realistic as possible.

The consumption of products is also massively down to technology as the audience would not be able to watch the film without it. Exchange is the platform which the audience is viewing the film and it plays a large role in audience consumption as it includes: the cinema screenings, television, DVDs and online screenings where the audience can watch the film through subscriptions with websites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video. The evolution of technology has made viewing films and television shows a lot more accessible as people do not need to go to the cinema to watch a film as they can just search for one online. Exhibition however, is the digital process of how the film is physically shown to its audience and without technology, things like: cinema screens, DVD, Blu-ray, HD, 3D, 4D, 5D and digital film projectors would not be available. These have had a huge influence on film consumption as the quality of the film is altered specifically to suit the appropriate film.

In  conclusion, the role of technology plays a huge part in the production, marketing and consumption of film because without it, the film industry may cease to exist. There are many positives that come with the huge influence of technology, such as the availability of film so it is accessible to almost everyone and also the physical quality of films has improved due to the development of cameras and other filming equipment. But along with the positives, also come negatives. This is because we may be too reliant on technology in the film industry and overthink the film by including too many special effects which many people do not like. Some may argue that we are becoming out of touch with classics by making our films too extravagant. But overall, technology has massively influenced the film industry, both positively and negatively.

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