Tuesday 4 April 2017


What is film distribution?
Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. These films are distributed by companies such as: Walt Disney Studios, 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures etc.

What is the distributor's role?
The role of a distributor is to make the film widely available to their target audience as well as promote the film they are distributing.

What is a distribution plan?
A distribution strategy is a plan created by the manufacturing department of the company which outlines how they are aiming to make their film available to the consumers.

What is a P + A budget?
A budget is the sum of money allocated for a particular purpose and the summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them

What is the average distribution cost for a big six film?
On average a big 6 film would cost between 100-200 million dollars/pounds to distribute.

What does the distribution budget include?
A budget is typically divided into four sections: above the line (creative talent), below the line (direct production costs), post-production (editing, visual effects, etc.), and other (insurance, completion bond, etc.) Film financing can be acquired from a private investor, sponsor, product placement, film studio, entertainment company, and/or out-of-pocket funds.

What is a simultaneous release?
Simultaneous release is the name given to an experimental new method of making movies available to consumers. Traditionally, movies are released first in cinemas. A DVD release follows some months later. 

What are some main distribution companies?
20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Studios, Paramount and Warner Bros. Studios.

What do you think the link is between audience and distribution?
I think that the distributor links with the target audience who want to watch a specific type of film, for example, Walt Disney Pictures is associated with children as the majority of the films that they distribute are cartoons or animations.

Define target market audience. What is audience positioning?
A target market audience is the ideal audience that the marketing company have chosen to aim their film towards. Audience positioning is the interpretation of mass media texts by social groups.

Why is a release date crucial?
A release date is crucial because the companies want to release the film at a time where they are most likely to get the most amount of views within the opening weekend. Release dates differ depending on who their target audience is, for example, if a distributor wanted to release a children's film then a good time to do it would be in the summer holidays when the kids have a lot of free time.

What is self distribution?
Self distribution is when the film maker distributes the film themselves without using a distribution company.

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